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The Boss Baby is a film in the Boss Baby franchise. It premiered on March 31, 2017 at the Miami International Film Festival. It was directed by Tom McGrath and written by Michael McCullers.


Theodore is tickled by a Baby Corp machine to determine if he's eligible for management or family.
Janice holds up Theodore as Tim sees him for the first time.

Baby Corp is the company that makes babies. They are either chosen for management or families by a tickle test. Theodore was born immune to tickling and therefore was chosen for management. Babies chosen for management drink a special milk formula which allows them to not grow up. He was one day chosen to go undercover as a normal baby to the Templeton House, to investigate Puppy Co's new puppy. If he were to fail the mission, he would be demoted to a mortal baby and have to grow up. Once Theodore arrives at the Templeton House, his new brother, Tim, has his suspicions of the new baby.

Tim's life was perfect before Theodore showed up: his parents showered him with love and attention. Every night, they sang "Blackbird", which they told Tim was his "special song". Now, Theodore gets all of Tim's parent's attention and time and they stopped doing Tim's bedtime routine.

The Boss Baby - Theodore smiling at tim after eating

Theodore smirks at Tim at dinner

During dinner, Tim points out that Theodore wears a suit and always carries a briefcase. His parents ignore him and explain these remarks as adorable, such as how Janice comments it makes Theodore look like a "little man".

That night, Tim intrudes on his phone conversation with Big Boss Baby. Tim bursts into his room and Theodore explains to him that he's not a normal baby. They discuss what would occur if Tim were to teII his parents the truth about Theodore.

Tim tries to exploit the Boss Baby's plans at a meeting he holds with Staci, Jimbo and the Triplets, but the Boss Baby continuously stops him. When finally Tim retains evidence, he and the Boss Baby's field team engage in an uItimate backyard race. When Tim is almost defeated, he begins firing toy darts at the Boss Baby. Theodore and Tim end up in the house and start fighting over the tape, but it all results in Lam Lam got ripped and destroyed. The Boss Baby tries to reason with Tim, but to no avail, as he is about to get flung into the road, the Boss Baby horrifyingly asks him not to. Just as Tim is about to send the baby flying, the parents catch him, causing Tim to launch the tape instead, which gets destroyed by the cars. Tim is devastated that his proof was destroyed, while the Boss Baby smiles sinisterly as the tape is destroyed, and which means that his secret is kept again. Tim tries to explain what happened, but they don't believe him and ground him for the first time in his Iife.

The Boss Baby - Theodore on phone

Theodore, in his crib, talks on a Baby Corp phone

That night, Tim goes into Theodore's room, who is on the phone with his boss. Theodore explains to Tim about Baby Corp and his mission to find out about the new puppy before it destroys all of Baby Corp for good, as well as the consequences if he fails. Tim decides to heIp Theodore with his mission in order to get him out of his hair.

Boss baby and Tim sailor shirt ( the first film )

Theodore and Tim pretending to get along, posing for a picture as sailor boys

The next day, the boys put up an act of getting along and kindness to get Tim un-grounded so they can go to the convention, which succeeds. That night, Theodore informs Tim that he never had a family or a real childhood because he was born mature and grown-up, which makes Tim feel bad for him.

Eugene Francis

Eugene Francis

The very next day, the boys go to the Puppy Co headquarters with their parents to get the information on the new puppy. Tim disguises Theodore as a puppy to get into the employee-only office. Their plan is a success and they manage to find a file on the puppy. But before they can leave with it, they trigger the alarm, attracting the attention of the CEO, Francis E. Francis, and his brother, Eugene. Francis explains that he was once a CEO at Baby Corp (Super Colossal Big Fat Boss Baby, whom Theodore looked up to), but Francis became lactose intolerant and could no longer drink the secret formula. Francis was turned into a mortal baby and sent to Earth to a human family. He vowed to get his revenge on the babies who did this to him by creating the "Forever Puppy", an immortal puppy that will bring down Baby Corp, and therefore, all of mankind. He uses Theodore's special baby formula to make his dream possible and has their parents leave them in the care of Eugene, while he takes their parents to Las Vegas.

Tim comes up with a brilliant escape plan - making Eugene think the Boss Baby was sick. They attack him with fake vomit and ride Tim's bike to the airport. Theodore alerts his field team and they try to throw Eugene off Theodore's trail. Tim rides his bike through many obstacles, including a large construction sight, and makes it to the airport.

There, Theodore begins turning into a normal baby even more. After returning to his true form, he and Tim argue and depart. However, they make up and dress up as Elvis to blend in with an Elvis Convention heading to Las Vegas. They get seats in first class, where Tim teaches Theodore about his imagination and they enjoy the wonderful ride. An air hostess asks them where there parents are and they say that their father is Captain Ross, the man flying the plane.

They reach Las Vegas and trick a group of kind and spunky young women into driving them to the convention center. When they arrive, they find Francis and, after he spots the brothers, he locks Ted and Janice in a large, heart-shaped box.

Eugene pursues after them but gets trapped. They reach the rocket filled with the Forever Puppies and find Francis there. They battle him, and he falls into the large pool of special formula. Afterward, they successfully release the puppies and empty the rocket.

Theodore begins turning into a normal baby and Tim tries to get him off of the rocket. After Tim sings "Blackbird" to him, Theodore gladly jumps into Tim's arms. He drinks a drop of the formula and turns back to normal. The brothers free their parents and they join in a meaningful family embrace.

When they return home, Theodore returns to Baby Corp, where he is promoted and given a corner office. Ted and Janice are brainwashed to forget about the previous events by Baby Corp workers. Despite both achieving their initial goals, Tim and Theodore miss each other. Tim sends Theodore a package full of plastic shapes representing Tim's love for Theodore and a letter asking him to rejoin the Templeton family. Theodore realizes that love is not a quantifiable thing that must be fought over, but rather an infinity that can be shared. He jumps onto the baby conveyor and is sent to the Templetons once again. There, he's christened as Theodore Lindsay Templeton Jr.

At the end of the movie, there is a scene, where Tim, now an adult, finishes telling the story to his daughter, who also has a new sister, also dressed in a business suit.



  • The Boss Baby takes place during the 1980s.
  • This is the 35th movie made by DreamWorks.